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Dec 31, 2008

Voice of the Pastor: Entering 2009

The holidays are behind us and the year has come to a close. This last year has been an eventful one that experienced many of God's blessings. What does 2009 hold? Only God knows. We are beginning a new presidency for our country. Our economy is now officially in a recession. We, as a church, have ventured out and moved into a larger building which is exciting but more financially challenging. There are also personal struggles that face many of us (physical as well as Spiritual). While I am confident that God can get us through it all, it will not happen by accident. Most good things occur on purpose.

In the Bible, the Israelites understood a valuable principle that brought them many blessings throughout the year. In accordance to the Mosiac law, individuals brought to the House of the Lord "The first of the first fruits of the land" (Ex. 23:19, 34:26). This included grain, wine, and oil. The tithes (tenth) that supported the priests were also based on that principle. They were not only giving God their best, but were doing it "first."

The other important lesson that Scripture teaches us is the importance of fasting during challenging times. Queen Esther fasted when her nation and people were threatened (Esther 4:16). The early church often fasted in seeking God's will in the local church (Acts 13:2). Individually, Jesus expects us to fast as part of the normal Christian experience (Matt. 6:16-17). Jesus Himself fasted and prayed to prepare himself for the challenges that were ahead (Matt. 4:1-2). How much more should we? Jesus even said somethings can't come except by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21).

All of this being said, I feel strongly that it is the will of God that we apply these principles of "first fruits" and "fasting" to Family Worship Center. What better way to begin the year than with fasting and prayer? As pastor of this church, I would like to declare the entire month of January 2009 a time of fasting and prayer.

I would like to have each day of this month set aside for this purpose. Please sign up for at least one day this month. Some of you could fast for several days. There are enough people in our congregation that we should have each day of the entire month covered. What an assurance it would be for me as pastor to know that every day in the month of January will be covered with prayer and fasting. Please pray for God's strength, provision and direction in individual lives and as a church. Please also pray that God will continue to send a harvest of souls our way and for revival.

I was also pleased to find out that our General Superintendent Kenneth Haney has also proclaimed the month of January as a time of prayer and fasting for the United Pentecostal Church worldwide. Please join me for a time of prayer and fasting for God's continued blessings. I am confident that we will then be prepared for the challenges of this coming year. Thank you for your participation.

In His Service,
Pastor Lawrence Exum


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